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Portland Water Bureau

664 N Tillamook St, Portland, OR 97227



Have you interacted with Water Bureau Customer Service recently? We want to hear from you!  Whether you called, spoke to our staff in the field, emailed us, or paid your sewer/stormwater/water bill online, please tell us about your experience in the following survey.


Interaction with Water Bureau Customer Service

Have you interacted with Water Bureau Customer Service staff within the last two years?

Who did you contact?

What was the method of contact?

If you initiated contact, what was the nature of your contact?

Based on your interaction(s) with our customer service staff, how likely are you to recommend the Portland Water Bureau to your family, friends, or colleagues? 0 means not likely; 10 means very likely.

Based on your interaction(s) with our customer service staff, how likely are you to recommend the Portland Water Bureau to your family, friends, or colleagues? 0 means not likely; 10 means very likely.
0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 n/a

Customer satisfaction with Water Bureau Customer Service

How satisfied are you with the customer service you received from Water Bureau Customer Service staff in your time as a customer with us? 

How satisfied are you with customer service received from Water Bureau Customer Service staff?
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Politeness & courteousness of staff
Technical competence & knowledge of staff
Overall responsiveness to your question/concern
How easy it was for you to contact Customer Svc
Overall resolution to your issue or request

Service items to receive resources

Paying your bill

How would you prefer to pay your water utility bill?

Would you prefer to receive your sewer/stormwater/water bills monthly, every other month, or quarterly?

When customers pay their bill with a credit card or debit card, the utility is charged a processing fee. Would you prefer the fee associated with paying your utility bill electronically be shared by all, as it is now, or added as a transaction fee each time you pay by card?


Please answer the questions below. This information helps Water Bureau Customer Service serve the needs of our community better.

What year were you born?

How do you describe your racial or ethnic identity? Please choose all that apply.

How do you identify your gender? Please choose all that apply.

Do you identify as having a disability?

Which of the following best describes your home?

Do you own or rent?

Approximately how many years have you been responsible for a sewer, stormwater, and water bill?

Have you received financial assistance for your sewer/stormwater/water bill at any time in the last two years?

Have you struggled to pay your sewer/stormwater/water bill at any time in the last two years?

Did you utilize translation in order to complete this survey?

The City of Portland is committed to equity and meaningful access, and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, source of income, or familial status in accordance with local, state, and federal laws. To request translation, interpretation, accommodations, modifications, or other auxiliary aids or services, or to file a complaint of discrimination, contact 503-823-7770 or 311 (503-823-4000), for Relay Service & TTY: 711.

Traducción e Interpretación | Biên Dịch và Thông Dịch | अनुवादन तथा व्याख्या
口笔译服务 | Устный и письменный перевод | Turjumaad iyo Fasiraad
Письмовий і усний переклад | Traducere și interpretariat | Chiaku me Awewen Kapas
Translation and Interpretation: 503-823-7770